You can create your ideal life without feeling that you are going to turn your life and your finances upside down
You are a successful professional who is educated and driven
You thought that you had picked a career that would be satisfying long term
More than likely you have always been an over achiever who had the answers for your life
You are starting to feel that there is a lack of satisfaction in your current career
The excitement is not there any more
You have invested so much into becoming the successful professional that you are
It might even be hard to think that you want to make a change
There might be moments of you wondering...
What if you would have chosen a different career?
What if you could leave what you are doing now for a living and transition into a career is that more passionate and ideal for you?
But you have no idea how to make such a huge leap
You are making a great living
Your life is settled after a long journey of receiving an advance degree
It may not seem logical to change after making a large investment of your time and money to get a degree that many people would love to have and not use it
You have no idea where to start
There is a part of you that feels that it may be possible to have a more fulfilling career
You have tried…….
Making the most of what you do because you are talented
Convincing yourself that you should be at peace
You even told yourself that nothing is wrong because you are
financially successful
Why rock the boat?

Deep inside of your soul you can feel….
That something is missing
You are not waking up excited
You are grateful but still you know that you can’t see yourself in your current career long term
These feelings can make a person wonder if they are making sound decisions
Life is fluid
You have the right to change your mind at any time without apology
You do not have to feel obligated to stick with a career that you no longer feel passionate about
Often when a professional wants to make a big change in their career,
they will second guess themselves
They might even wonder what will their friends and family think about their decision to take a huge leap after spending so much time and money on their education

You find yourself wondering if it is possible to transition into a more passionate career at this point in your life
You might even ponder how to make a transition
You might even grapple with if it is a waste of time to desire something that can’t happen
Doubt creeps in, but you are feeling that tug on your soul that you need to do this
Others have…
Left a successful career and transitioned into a career that is opposite of their degree
They were able to do it without upsetting their finances and their family’s stability
They created a plan to make it possible
They are living the life that they secretly desired out loud and fearless!
All because they made a tough decision to leave what was safe behind to follow a deeper desire of having a fulfilling career
You do not need to wonder and worry any longer!
I am a Career Mindset Shift Coach that helps educated professionals who want to leave their secure professional to enter a new profession that is more aligned with who they are
My coaching system that I have developed takes away….
The need to stay stuck in a career that is not in alignment with who you are
The problem of how to make it happen can be solved through a mindset shift in your beliefs
The struggle of trying to make peace with where you are at is over
My one on one program will take you from being a stuck professional to being happy and aligned
My program, called Dr. Jasmin’s mind power coaching, can give you the tools to leave your current career and move into your desired profession

Who am I? Why coach with me?
My name is Dr. Jasmin Moshref
I am a licensed dentist who was in practice for over 9 years. I was that typical overachiever. I come from a family of doctors. It was my destiny to be a dentist.
I was that good girl who wanted to always do the right thing. I succeeded academically easily. I was a licensed dentist in my 20's.
I knew while I was in dental school that something was missing. I stuck it out because I am a person who finishes what I start. I was not clear enough on which direction to take career wise. I did not know how to check if I was in alignment with being a dentist. My gut was telling me that something needed to be different. I knew to stick out dental school because I believed that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. I always knew that something was missing
I was successful in my dental practice. I had great patients and I made an excellent income.
That yearning was still present. I tried to push it aside but I couldn’t. I loved working with people but I wanted to coach them.
How do I as a doctor who has spent tens of thousands of dollars on my education decide to take such a huge leap by leaving a successful practice to go into coaching?
I couldn’t let go of my passion for coaching. I tried. I took time to carefully think about the what ifs.
I knew that I had to make a plan. I had some fear and doubts in the beginning. I chose to be true to myself.
I took the big leap!
I do not have any regrets. I realized that my calling as a coach was to show other professionals that is okay and even safe to make a career change after investing so much time and money into a degree.
I have shared in the joy with my clients as they make choices for their life without the fear of making a bad decision
I know that you might be thinking...
can this work for me?
You have a lot at stake.
You might even think, is it that simple?
How will you be able to leave so much security behind in order to step into the realm of uncertainty
My coaching system is designed to help you to gain clarity so that taking a risk is not that risky when you have a plan that is designed for you
One on one coaching with me is ideal for a professional like you who is deciding to make a big decision that will have impact on you and your family
My process is individualized
My delivery is with clarity, compassion, and strategy that will get you to where you want to be professionally
By working with me, you will have 12 one on one-hour long sessions that included mindset tools along with strategy and clarity
Frequently Asked Questions
I have coached several professionals who wanted to make a career change. I use many techniques to help my clients shift their mindset. I have a master certification in NLP. I am certified in Hypnotherapy. I am certified in Emotional Release Technique.
I know that you are a licensed dentist but what are your qualifications as a coach?
I have coached several professionals who wanted to make a career change. I use many techniques to help my clients shift their mindset. I have a master certification in NLP. I am certified in Hypnotherapy. I am certified in Emotional Release Technique.
I am offering clarity, goal setting strategy, mindset work, and stress management along with other coaching strategies to help you ease into your new career choice.
What are you offering as a part of your one on one coaching services?
I am offering clarity, goal setting strategy, mindset work, and stress management along with other coaching strategies to help you ease into your new career choice.
I work with many types of professionals from medical doctors, dentists, therapists and anyone who is ready to take a big leap into the next stage of their professional life. By scheduling a discovery call, we can decide if I am the right coach for you.
What type of professionals so you work with?
I work with many types of professionals from medical doctors, dentists, therapists and anyone who is ready to take a big leap into the next stage of their professional life. By scheduling a discovery call, we can decide if I am the right coach for you.
Before working together, we will have a discovery session. Do not feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. My discovery sessions and my coaching program is 100% confidential.
I am a successful professional who feels a little embarrassed about wanting to leave my current career that supports me and my family. How do I decide if this is the right decision for me?
Before working together, we will have a discovery session. Do not feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. My discovery sessions and my coaching program is 100% confidential.
I charge $2,500 for 12 coaching sessions. There are no hidden fees for my services. I am transparent.
What are your fees for your services?